Today is Day 29 of the month-long anniversary bash for the
Technique Junkie Newsletter. Today we have a couple of stamp sets to giveaway from our dear friends at
Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps!
First, about the card you see above. I used the Pop-up Gift Card tutorial from the
3D and Fun Folds CD to make this fun gift card holder. I love this tutorial -- the gift card is such a pleasant surprise when the card is opened! The main image uses the Emboss around the Image technique from the October 2012 issue, too. Of course, I used
Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps for this; these are the two sets one lucky winner will receive:

To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment on this blog post with your name and email address. My random number generator will pick one lucky winner on Wednesday, October 31st. Please note: we are expecting Hurricane Sandy to wipe out our power for several days; if this happens, the winner will be selected as soon as our power is restored.
This winner of these stamps is Susan Guzy - Congrats, Susan!
cute card
This would be prefect to make for those hard to find people on your Christmas list...
Please be safe!!!! tfs
Such a cute card and sweet stamps too. Would love to win these.
I agree, those are sweet stamps. Really like the card.
Congrats on your anniversary and birthday, Pat! TJ have certainly strengthened my skills!
aprilpzzl at yahoo dot com
April Puzzuoli
Those stamps are sweet as can be! haven't tried the pop up card yet. Would love to win these sets! And the party continues....
Sue McNeill
Boy, I'm going to buying some CD's soon! Cute card and handy pop-up. TFS.
Love the cds, need more time in the day to make the projects. zeppercookturquoise@yahoo.com
Oh...some more of that delicious retired Stampin' Up! paper!! What a tease. Cute card!
I just love this card.
Love the card and the stamps.
Cute card...Love the stamps
what a wonderful gift card holder. i love the saying. cute stamp set. thanks for a chance to win.
quilting dash lady at comcst dot net
Now how fun is this! Love the stamp set!
ChristineOndine at aol
Fun card. I think I'm putting that CD on my Christmas list. Better make that my birthday list so I can make some for Christmas.
Love the colours!!
That is my favourite cd.
Hoping that the hurricane does not impact you as much as feared--be safe! I love surprize cards- this one is cute.
Love this card! And would certainly enjoy winning this batch of stamps!
stamperjoyce at gmail dot com
This is so much fun. Thank you, Pat.
What a great way to give a gift card! Thanks for the great inspiration, Pat!
Those stamps are adorable. I'd love to win!
Nora G.
What a cute card and a lovely stamp set.
Cute card, great gift card holder and cute stamps. Thanks for a chance to win.
That is just adorable! kmeddy@centurytel.net
Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.
I am now inspired to make these for my Christmas gift card purchases!
Betty Ackley
I have this cd and need to look at the project. Would make great gifts.
Great gift card!
dsmith1036 at aol dot com
Love the gift card and the stamps!
Cute card and cute stamps.
Hope you stay safe during the storm. (Cannot tell you how strange it is to have my name associated with a killer storm)
Sandy J
stampingwriter at gmail dotcom
Love how the gift card just pops out of the card! Really cool. Love Sweet N' Sassy too.
What a unique way to have a gift card holder. I would love to win.
Love your card, so cute
Very cute gift card holder. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Have a great week and I hope for you that Sandy won't affect you too much!
Great card, great stamps! Please consider me.
kathy dot brown at pobox dot com
Love this project and the stamps are great. My husband only laughed when I told him we should celebrate my birthday the whole month of October, but he didn't take the hint
What a great project - guess I need to send an order in.
Pat, I hope you don't lose power. Love this card' Great gift idea.
schmidtrv at att dot net
Love this card - so cute!
Wonderful idea for the hard to buy for friend. Thanks for sharing.
Fabulous way to give a gift card!
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Just love this gift card, such a neat one.... love coffee cups anyway but this is just so neat .
What a great idea! Hopefully I can copy it for my Christmas gift cards.
Lisa K.
Cute, cute, cute! Love SNSS! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
melissa.banian at gmail dot com
Great way to give a gift card
Really cute way to give a gift card, would be cool with a star bucks card.
Adorable card that complete the terrific gift inside! Oooooh, I am loving these stamps.
I love these papers, so I was sorry to see they are retired.
What a nice idea for Christmas!
Great card, great stamps! I am lovin' this month and am keeping my fingers crossed for this one. Stay safe, Pat. I have been thinking of east coast residents all day.
That is a cute card. What a great idea for a gift card.
Oh, what darling stamps! Just my cup of tea/coffe and your card is just a darling!
Gift cards are so popular that a gift card holder is a perfect holiday project!
Love these cute stamps.
Oh this is cute. I love the images and the colors you used. I need to remember this idea for christmas.
momkertz at live dot com
Perfect reminder for all those holiday gift cards I see in my future. Thanks, Pat!
I just LUV tea and this is a wonderful card.
And great stamps tooo.
carlavandermei at gmail dot com
That's a YUMMY card. Love the stamps. Love the colors. Love cocoa too.
Hope I win today.
Adore the coffee card! I gotta have my coffee [and some stamps would be nice too!] Whenever I see coffee things Hetty S. comes to mind. ;>}
only a few more days left - how much fun this has been and what awesome projects you have show cased. .
Nice giveaway.
khamilt at hotmail dot com
that is so cool
ebat @cox.net
Great way to give a gift card
Everyone on the east coast stay safe
love these 2 sets Colleen cdmoore@shaw.ca TREES AND TEA CANNOT BEAT IT
Fun card!! and the stamp set is so cute.
An unusual card design, but most effective. Thanks for the chance to win the stamps
farrellg41 at hotmail dot com
This is an adorable way to give a gift card. Love it!
Bonnie S.
stampin-ak at gci dot net
Pat, this one is so cute. Thanks again for the wonderful month of fun.
arterburn at comcast dot net
wonderful ideas to make--fun and fabulous!
Great gift card holder! remigh@cox.net
Like the card a lot. Great stamps too
I love the pop-up and the stamp.
This is really a cute gift card holder.
Wow! love the pop up gift card design! In fact, I am making a few gift card holders for upcoming Christmas. Thanks for the op.
Honolulu, HI
cute card and stamp set. Thank you for a chance at winning it. Stay safe.
I made a card like that recently -- it was a big hit!!
I'll keep you in my prayers as Sandy comes around.
Cindy L
Luckybug3 at gmail dot com
that is so cute!
By now we're hearing the worst of Sandy has gone. As someone who went through cyclone Yasi in Australia last year - please stay safe to you and yours
Julie W
What an awesome gift card holder. I'll be making some of these
What a SWEET card! Thanks for the opportunity.
bee jay
Wonderful gift card holder. Sweet 'n Sassy has the cutest stamp sets, would be a wonderful addition for me.
kylesma at att dot net
A VOTE4 romnesia='s
You'll Have ALL women who R RAPED
Hope it's not Ur daughter, Ur Daughter-in-law, nor Any other Woman whom u might know!
A vote 4 romnesia='s a vote 4 the
same CRAP we had under bush.DO U remember how he & his crew managed 2 take this country INTO the WORST
finance status WORST than the Great
Depression??? I thought coming2Ur blog one could come 2 a place where
u dont have 2 b bothered by POITICS
I take it if U're BRAVE enough 2 "USE" Ur blog 4 Political OPINIONS
then Ur ALSO READY & HONEST enough 2 ALLOW Ur VIEWERS 2 express their
Political views too. U sure R BRAVE
YUP-BRAVE 2 want 2 vote 4 a man who
(or express a desire 2 call forth others 2 vote 4 a man who believes
women R BELOW MEN-who will REDUCE
women-and even hold a man who would abuse of a woman in a HIGHER
place of stauus-just cause he has a penis-even if that same penis
causes abuse-why he wouldn't even
give ANY COMMENT on the one man whom he ENDORCED-.What is it they say if you do not even comment they you agree??so that may very well be why romnesia did NOT comment on that deluced SICK man who BELIEVES that if a woman become
preganat by a man who RAPES her-
it She-the woman has-NO-RIGHTS she would be FORCED to carry to full delivery that abuser's baby!
So go on &, vote and ask for others to vote for that man who will reduce you and all other women to NOTHING-cause he & HIS
crew(think of it he has the same crew bush had, don't belive me--U
just look-up the names-oh & @ the same time check out what directives
ryan has proposed to congress, NO-invitro assistance to couples who are struggling to have a child, a baby or their own-oh but maybe they can find some woman who has been raped-they can look up all the natinal papers discolcures--and IF they find one they can see if she will give then her FOARCED TO HAVE BABY--in which romnesia wil
FORCE women 2 HAVE that baby-oh aand lets say nothing of romney's illness to be deluded in lies to the American people.Remenber that
LIE romnesia told to the American
People right out LIE that he did not say to let the car company's
where he DID say "just let them go
bankrup" the very next day TIMES
Magazine received so many hits on getting to the site where they found that romnesia DID In FACT LIE
to the AMERICAN People during that 3rd debate--AND NOW he's on ANOTHER
RUN OF LIES--even putting these new
LIES IN A COMMERCIAL-saying that the car company"s are going to ITALY & or to CHINA!! Why the car Company had even written a statement that romnesia-& or his
Group, are lying--that they NEVER
said this--What a bunch of lies Ur
guy is saying-& U ask us to Vote for a man who LIES!!Not ME-& NO ONE
shole vote for a MAN WHO LIES, OR who for padding his own Pocket-would sell out his fellow American
neighbor-oh that's right romnesia neighbors ALSO lie--Yes lies and sells out the USA people all for a buck-how don't we know thst this smane guy won't now sell out the USA-one state at a time--you'd better watch-out, cause if he wins that's just another thing I'm betting that we the people of the usa can EXPECT of this guy to do-cause if he keeps selling out for a buck---well you too can end-up working for--china, and for 16-18hr
and @ BELOW the mim-wage, mim wage
why no in china they work and sleep and eat all IN the same place
and they are guared by BARBED-WIRE
YOu too will have a job working for romnesia-and-china!
I am probably too late, I didn't see this one posted. This is a really nice way to package those gift cards! Glad my CD arrived and I can check it out! Thanks Pat!
Great Card!!
Simply love all your give-aways Great technique blog too. skortan@arvig.net
You really know how to "hook" someone, don't you Pat - now I'm gonna hafta buy the CD, too - LOL! I'm always on the lookout for gift card ideas and this one is really a winner!! Since this is my birthday month as well, I need to get in on this - better late than never!! Thanks for all your wonderful ideas over the past 10 years (I've been a member since Day 1 - or thereabouts!!).
That pop up card is just so unique, love the technique!! Thanks for the chance on the stamps.
Carmen Lucero
cal8007 at aol dot com
Great Stammps and card!
Hugs, Joellen
Wow, TJ for life. What an awesome prize! clpeper@charter.net.
Wonderful fun!
aarterburn at comcast dot net
I hope i made it in time...been without power and internet...we ARE the landfall mark for Sandy! We lost a lot of trees, next door neighbor's mud room is completely crushed by the water.
Nasty business (on top of hubs being in the hosp.)
Thanks for the opportunity!
Cute idea, will have to make some of these with a Christmas theme for my family back home.
kattfiveinfo at gmail dot com
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