Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Give Away a Day -- Day 9

Day 9 of our Give Away A Day in October brings us two more fabulous stamp sheets, this time from a wonderful TJ supporter and vendor: I Brake for Stamps. Don't you just love that name? Let me tell you, gentle stampers, if you have not been to the I Brake for Stamps site, Get those fingers clicking and get there! Here is some information from the www.ibrakeforstamps.com website:

"Welcome to I Brake For Stamps, which is also the home of Rosebud Rubber Stamps, Ink Blocks Rubber Stamps, The Merry Stamper, and Designs Ink'd images. We also carry the Enchanted Ink line and the Stampinback line from The Netherlands. With over 1600 images, we are sure that you will find something that fits your creativity."

Owner Della Warr was more than generous with her donations from I Brake For Stamps, so you will be seeing more of her stamps this month...in the meantime, go show her your support and fill your shopping basket!

Along with the two stamp sheets shown above, you will receive today's eye candy. This card was made using the Cuttlebug Glow technique from the October 2007 issue of the Technique Junkie Newsletter.

All of the stamps used on the piece are stamps from I Brake for Stamps -- they are on the stamp sheets today's winner will receive.

Here is how you can enter for today's give away:

To enter the giveaway for today, simply leave a comment on this blog entry telling me that you would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, October 10th. No other entry methods will be included in the give away. When you leave the comment, make sure to put your NAME in the comment -- if you enter your comment as "Anonymous", I cannot give you the prize! Blogger does NOT record your email address for me, so you will need to check back to find out if you have won -- or include your email address in your comment so that I can notify you. I will have a random number generator pick a number from the comments to select the winner. Each give-away is separate, so to be eligible for a specific item you must enter that day's contest on the post where it is listed.Check back every day during the month of October for the daily giveaway -- you can enter EVERY day! A fabulous Grand Prize will be offered on the last day of the month, too. Enter today -- good luck!

Finally, I just want to say thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes yesterday. Every one of those comments were special -- I felt appreciated and special all day because of YOU!
The winner of today's give Away is Michelle Parenteau! Congratulaions, Michelle!


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BNL BaliGrl said...

OOh first commenter! Yeah me!

That card is so gorgeous!

The stamps are fantastic, too. I haven't checked out that company before, but I will.

Please enter me in the drawing.
Beth Liddle

Anonymous said...

Wow - first one!!! Please enter me for Day 9. Thanks Pat!
Betsy Hawkins

Laurie said...

One more chance to win? Wonderful, count me in.

coocoogramma said...

Sign me up for todays drawing,
those stamps are fantastic!!
Dariel O'Hara

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter please! &:-)

Anonymous said...

yea! more stamps...sign me up!
Pam Sparks

Theresa Merkling said...

Love the wine and the glow - beautifully done.

Maria said...

Yet another fantastic giveaway!! This is amazing!

Pls enter me.
Maria Levine

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in day 9

Peggy said...

Yay! I love stamps! Please enter me!

Peggy in Sweden

Anonymous said...

Please enter me on day 9.

Ann Lohmeyer

Anonymous said...

These stamps sure look fun. Please enter me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in.
Mary Garvey

Linda Elbourn said...

Lovely stamps. Thanks for offering these for the Anniversary of TJ's

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'd love to win these! I really need more stamps. LOL.

Sharon Foster

Unknown said...

Please include me!

Beth said...

Wow, the card is gorgeous!!! And great stamps! Please enter me.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me

Debbie Schubauer

Anonymous said...

Bummer, I really wanted those punches -hehe. These stamps are great, too, so sign me up again!

Lovin' your artwork. Not sure where you get the time for it, but I am enjoying it!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful card! Thanks so much for doing all of this! PLease count me in for day 9.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful card, love the stamps.
Throw me into the hat, please.
Elizabeth Del Valle

Mitzi Koons said...

ACK! You're making the Cuttlebug impossible to resist! Love the card for today!

Anonymous said...

Love the card, as usual, Pat! I hope you are recovering from your wonderful birthday. Please enter me into today's drawing.

Skye DeWeez

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in today's give-away!

Thank you,
Dorene Decibus

Anonymous said...

count me in :)

paula surface

MA said...

please enter me for day 9...

Mary Ann Evans

FelineFrisky said...

Gorgeous card! Love the stamps!

Toss me into the drawing, please!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful stuff on your blog and your giveaways are awesome too!!! Lots of generous donations, thanks to all, Christina Amador at GCBSamador@sbcglobal.net

Anonymous said...

This giveaway a day is awesome! Now I just need to win! Ha ha ha! Thanks for the chance!
Michelle Adams

Unknown said...

lovely give away present!
wish me luck to get it!
Amy Lee

Anonymous said...

Love those stamps and the card. Count me in for day 9. Thanks. Shelley Banghart

SusanK said...

Day 9 already? Wow - I'm hoping I get picked sometime this month! SusanK

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing again! Renee Schoen eightrs@tds.net

Kathy the Teawife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stampin_Melissa said...

What gorgeous stamps! Please enter me into the give away!

melissa.banian @ us.army.mil

Anonymous said...

Now that I have time to stamp, it's motivating to see all the fun stuff at the "bake Stamps" website.

Enter me in the drawing, please.

Monica Rost

Anonymous said...

I actually have a few of these stamps already. I made an art doll using the one with the star for an eye and wrote an outrageous life story for her about being a Vegas stripper. What fun!! I need more stamps. Enter me please.

Judy Buczkiewicz

suzann said...

Gorgeous stamps! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Another great prize and card. Their Southwest stamps are great.
Dee Ruger

Jane said...

I really want that card a week but I guess stamps are ok. Thanks.

Beth Norman-Roberts said...

Please count me in for the prize, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Have a great day! Thanks for this Anniversary drawing. It's great!

Carol Westover

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in today's giveaway.
Thank you very much,

Lynette said...

The card is beautiful. Count me in on todays drawing.

Anonymous said...

count me in!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Love these stamps ... and the card!!

Please enter me:


Thank you!!

SuzyQTango said...

Beautiful card! Please count me in.
Sue Tengowski

Anonymous said...

I love these stamps! Thank you for making me aware of this company & please count me in on the drawing! ktivey@frontiernet.net

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat - looks like it is not slowing down! ;0) I checked out I brake for stamps and I love some of their stamps! ;0) I have them in my favorites: "places to buy stamping products"! I know I am weird to have a title in my favorites for that, but hey - gotta be able to get to all the places to spend money on stamps! hehehe Thanks for sharing all you do!

Hugs, Donna Godsey

Sara Frawley said...

Woooo Hoooo! I'm in today too! Thanks Pat... and I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday!
~Sara Frawley

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Pat. I will definitely have to check out I Brake for Stamps. I'm in for day 9.


Lindalee622 said...

Please count me in!
Linda Duncan

Lori said...

ohhh what beautiful stamps and such a lovely card. please enter me in day 9.

lori smanski

Unknown said...

I think I'm having more fun on your birthday than you! Such a great gift for you to give!

Peggy Schaefer

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing this company - I will check them out. Please enter me in today's contest.


Holly Young said...

I just received an order from I Brake For Stamps and I can tell you that Della is fast!
Please enter me in this giv away!


tsurowiec said...

I am totally amzed that you are giving away something wonderful every day!

Please enter me in the drawing.

Theresa Surowiec

Karen said...

I would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, October 10th!!! Thanks Pat!
Karen J

Anonymous said...

Wow, your card and these stamps are fabulous! Please enter me in today's drawing.

Hope your birthday celebrations were great!

Niki Winchell

Marjie Shulsinger said...

Beautiful Stamps- enter me please!!!

Marie said...

Wow - more fun stamps!
- Marie Oprica

Tracy in Michigan said...

Gorgeous card!! I love wine - I mean stamps concerning wine. :-) Would love to win today's gift! Thanks again, Tracy Smith, crazyforsu@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love the card, and a whole year of wows too! Please add me in.

Anonymous said...

Another gorgeous card! I hope to have a chance to try the stamps of I Bake for Stamps! Please sign me up for today's drawing! Thanks!

Helen Liu

Bobbey said...

Count me in today!
Bobbey Sakoman

Wendy said...

Wow beautiful stamps

Gale Smith said...

This card is gorgeous...please enter me.

Gale Smith

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm jumping in the bucket!
Cheryl L.

Anonymous said...

Add me to the contest please. These goodies are great and love the card
Debi Pippin

Anonymous said...

Awesome prizes as always! Please enter me!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me today!

Thank YOU!

Sue Archer

SC-The Artful Mama said...

Me! Me! Pick me!! :)
Thanks for all of the fun, Pat!
Susan Chong

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win another great prize.


Anonymous said...

Della was more than generous with theset two great sheets. As always your card is great. Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks!

Nancy B

Karen R. said...

Goodmorning Pat! Please enter me in the drawing for today!! -- Karen R. -- babysugarcakes1@yahoo.com

Terri Capobianco said...

Wow, such gorgeous stamps...count me in!!
Terri Capobianco

Donna Baker said...

I would like to enter CONTEST DAY 9 - THANKS!

texanwife at yahoo

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing. Love those stamps!
Diane Garlets

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!!!
Judy Parlin

Anonymous said...

enter me pleaes for day 9 but I dont think I'll ever see my name on the other side of the posts boo hoo I sure wanted the other days card a week wow how much fun would that have been!! thanks
candy knode oceangram91@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Della is awesome and wonderful to work with! Love all her images!

Nicole Kowalk

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a very happy birthday yesterday!! My feeds seem to be a day late, so Best Wishes.

Pat said...

Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me for Day 9! Thanks! Lori K. whidbeygal1@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me in the contest and keeping us on our toes.

Vicky Ward

Rachel V. said...

I would love to be entered in the giveaway! These stamps are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I love the fairies! Please enter me in the drawing for Day 9! Thanks!

Nancy Nicolos

Cathy M said...

Another gorgeous card and technique. Wow what awesome stamps these are. Count me in! Thanks for a chance at this sweet giveaway.
Cathy M

Anonymous said...

OHHH!! beautiful stamps! Please pick me!

Judy Jackson

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thanks.

Melissa said...

Happy B-day!

Melissa Oyler

Anonymous said...

Wow, another one. Please enter me for today's giveaway. Than you and have a wonderful day. Cheryl K ckemling@andersencorp.com

Kathleen Innes said...

Add my name to the giveaway list, please. Thanks, Pat -- have a GREAT day! Kathleen Innes maccreative@mac.com

Fareeda said...

Please add my name to your Day 9 give Away a Day! hugs, Fareeda

BarbaraW said...

Day 9. Still hoping! Gorgeous card.
I'm in for today.
Barbara Washington

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.

Cathy Green

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!
Michelle McCarthy

Anonymous said...

Entering for day 9!


Kate Cecil said...

Day 9 entry - it's a beautiful card!



Anonymous said...

Great card, please enter me in the contest.

Betty Goldsholl

Rianne said...

Finally i can enter a comment, So count me in aswell i just love the card.

Rianne Smarius

Anonymous said...

I'm not giving up yet! The card is beautiful and the stamps are great, too!

Gloria Escalante

Jacquie S said...

Your card is beautiful, Pat!

Jacquie Surgenor

Anonymous said...

Enter me please.

Vivian Swain

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter today.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing for 10/9/07

Michele Pryor

curlylocdiva said...

Beautiful Stamp. I would like to be entered in the daily drawing.


Anonymous said...

enter me please.

Stampin Shari said...

Lovely stamp sets! I'm in!

Shari Odut :O)

Kathy Eddy said...

Please enter me in to wion these great stamps and that wonderful card! Kathy Eddy

Edie said...

I'm off to IBFS to spend my allowance. Whee! Thank you so much for widening my world (and enabling me to overfill my studio!) edie purpleone@nc.rr.com

Belinda said...

Another great giveaway. Count me in.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in today's give away. These stamps are great!

Kathy Scott

Fareeda said...

please add me name to you give away a day "9".

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card! Please enter me for day 9. Thanks!

Michelle Wilwand

keuka joyce wiedrich said...

would like to enter by 11:59 Wednesday October 10th. Thank you. Great site!

Joyce Wiedrich

Anonymous said...

Looks like another good source for rubber inspiration. Please enter me in the contest.

Love that card! It makes me want to have a glass of wine right now!!

Michele Weber

Bridgette Scraps said...

Love it! Count me in.

Bridgette Anderson

Ladystamper said...

Pretty please...enter me...:o)
Beckie Carlson

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing all of these resources! Once again I would like to enter your give away.

Anonymous said...

It's so gret to receive links to al these fabulous sites as we go...thank you! I would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, October 10th, please.
Sandra Wilkinson

Anonymous said...

Cool Stamps I will go check out the website thanks for the info
and please count me in for the drawing.


Anonymous said...

absolutely gorgeous!

Helen said...

Hi Pat-

Thanks for helping me find a way to leave a comment for today's drawing. Please add me!! Thanks!

Helen Osterkamp

Anonymous said...

Day 9 - yeah! Please count me in for the give-away!

Caroline Morgan

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I want those stamps!!

Sandy Ramirez

fawn said...

great blog candy!!! enter me for the drwing please!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic card! Enter me for lucky number 9. Judy Conklin conklinazca@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat! Please enter me for today's contest!

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!


Sharon Ellerbe

Donna said...

Day 9 - I've purchased from I Brake For Stamps, and am very satisfied. Love the stamps, and the wonderful card (as usual!) you created, Pat.

Please enter me in the drawing again.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I'm in - love those stamps!


loripuccio said...

I brake for Wine,
pick me, day 9!!!

Beautiful card sample - love the I Brake for Stamps!

Lori Puccio

Anonymous said...

Day 9 is MINE........Awesome Celebration Pat...

Carol Ann Brock

Anonymous said...

What a great celebration. So glad I can be a part of it.
Carol Norby

Anonymous said...

What a sweet set(s) of stamps!
Please enter me in day 9.
Cheryl Miller in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! Cindy Frazier

Anonymous said...

WOW! I have never seen these stamps, they are great. Please enter me for today.


Jayne said...

Sign me up for today. I can't believe all the great things that you're making available.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in today's drawing.

Anonymous said...

I love Della's stamps! She was so gracious to our Youth Group at church and donated a bunch of stamps to us that we use almost every week! I also have purchased from her for my personal use and they are great stamps! So please sign me up for today's prize
Granny Mary
AKA: disabledgranny

Basement Stamper said...

The cards are as fabulous as the gifts you are giving away!!!

Kim Howard

Anonymous said...

Please enter me again, today!

Laurie Black

Anonymous said...

please enter me in day 9 j.kalchert@mchsi.com

Allison Rankin said...

Hi Pat...back again!

Glenna said...

I love these stamps.....just one more thing I "need" to own. Ü

Glenna S.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat,
Nice stamps and a great card. Please enter me, and thanks again!


Unknown said...

count me in for day nine!

Jblackburn said...

Yes, please register me for the Ibrakeforstamps.com giveaway. just visited their site, love the fairy sheets especially. Jennie Blackburn, jblackburn@titanstaffing.net

Anonymous said...

Great card. Please count me in for today's draw.

Stampin' Gram said...

Here goes another entry,
Suzanne Boyer

Lorelie said...

Enter me for Day 9! Thanks a bunch!!!

Lorelie Kim

Lulu said...

Pat - these cards get more gorgeous every day! Carole (carole808@cox.net)

CheckerBeads said...

I would love to enter! Those stamps are so cute, thanks for the link!


Anonymous said...

Lovely card. So elegant. Please enter my name in the Give away for the day. thanks
Doreen Smith

Anonymous said...

LOVE that card, I'm going to have to try that!!
Please enter me in day 9....
Vicky Sitterly

Unknown said...

I'm in for Day 9....

Vicki Bardin

Jacki Marie said...

I love the stamps and that card. I'm exploring your website and blog today for the first time. I like what I see. I don't know what took me so long. I have a friend who has been telling me about it for at least a couple of years.

Jacki Jones

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That is gorgeous and the stamps are marvelous.


jodene said...

So many wonderful giveaway. I will keep crossing my fingers!

Lisa said...

Please enter me into the drawing today!

Sonjia Bradshaw said...

wow! sooo totally awesome. love the fairy :)
sonjia bradshaw

Louise (KardKrazy) said...

Please include me in today's drawing as well. Thanks -- Louise G.

marisa said...

Hi, count me in for the give away.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me into this contest.

Libby Lindsey

Angel said...

Please put my name in the hat. Thanks again!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Oh my goodness, yes, i want to be included in this! Wow, gorgeous!!!
Denise W. waldee@juno.com

Crystal said...

Count me in, hope your birthday was fabulous!

Crystal Mohrmann

MelissaS said...

Please count me in for the drawing! Thanks for introducing me to another stamp company and the chance to win fun candy!

Bev Sendaydiego said...

I would like to enter. Thanks!


ccriscat said...

I would love to win the grapes/wine glass set since I live in Virginia..land of the wineries.
Chris Rauth

2 Worlds said...

This look great !
I want to participate

Jackie said...

What cool stamps, I have ordered from them, they are great!!
My entry for #9 October,
thanks Pat!

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Wow, I love that pear stamp and would be delighted to be entered in the drawing. Thank you so much.

Cindy Keery

Lynn Mercurio said...

Tremendous card! Please enter me into the drawing...pretty please???


Card Creativity said...

Enter me, great cards!!!!!!

Treena said...

I can just tell that this month is going to be full of drooling... & this is just day 9!!! LOL... gorgeous card!

Hugs, Treena Jensen

paradise45 said...

Please enter me again today.

Thanks, Sue Hughes

Peggy M. said...

Gorgeous Card. Please enter me for Day 9.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me, love this card!!!


Rubber Princess said...

Please sign me up for day 9. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your "Give Away a Day" I have entered before 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, October 10th.
Ruth Dupchen

Anonymous said...

Cool stamps and another winning card! Throw me in the pot.

Cathy Yamashita

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in - thanks!

Randa Mauldin

Hetty said...

Sorry I missed your birthday, but still I want to wish you many happy days to come and let them all be creative ones!!
I enjoy your work so much!!

lk said...

Count me in!!

Julie W said...

Beautiful sample and really cool stamps. I'd love to try to win this. Thanks!

Julie Walker

Anonymous said...

Count me in for Day 9 drawing!

Sheila Lence

Anonymous said...

Please enter me for the I Brake for Stamps sheets. She has wonderful stamps! I just spent some money over there, but I'm sure I could manage alittle more! ;')

Rene' Mewes

Anonymous said...

I love "I Brake for Stamps". Would love to own these.

Gretchen Williams

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the drawing for day 9.
Betty Ackley

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the giveaway.


Becky Hoerr

Jenn said...

Love the wine stamps (and the rest too lol)!
Jenn Ryan

Anonymous said...

Count me in again.
Pat K

Anonymous said...

Pick Me, Pick Me!!! I'd love to win, just lke all the rest....


Anonymous said...

Pat, please enter me for the I Brake for Stamps on Give Away Day 9. Happy Anniversary! Thanks,
Trish Gateway

Anonymous said...

Love these stamps. Please enter me for this one.

Susan B

Anonymous said...

Yippee.. Feels like Christmas!! Please enter me for Day 9

Rachel in TX

Terri said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Give away of stamps....WOW. Please sign me up for Day 9.

Carol H.

Bobbiecz said...

Neat looking stamps - I'm going to check out the website now. Please enter me in the day 9 drawing.

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