Sunday, October 7, 2007

Give Away a Day -- Day 7

It is Day Seven of our Anniversary month and we are getting PUNCHY! For today's offering on our give away a day, I am offering two brand-new Stampin' Up! punches, plus the card shown above. I took the punches out of their bags to show you what they looked like, but they have never been used. The larger punch is a tab punch, and the smaller is my favorite -- the spiral punch. Today's sponsor is...ME! : )

Today's "Eye Candy" uses the Rainbow Double Technique from the August 2007 Technique Junkie Newsletter. I made this card to show an example of the spiral punch in action (plus, I really like the technique, too). All of the stamps used are from Stampin' Up!, too.

Okay, now, before I give you the give away rules, there is one more thing...if you feel like it, tell me what your favorite punch is, and why. I do read every post --however quickly, and with one finger on the delete key -- and I have been enjoying the comments more than I can express! It probably gets a little boring for YOU, though, faithful blog-contest-enterer, so I am giving you something to write in your post : ) Of course, it is totally optional! You will be entered no matter what your comment says.

Okay, here's today's rules, if you are new to this:

To enter the giveaway for today, simply leave a comment on this blog entry telling me that you would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th. No other entry methods will be included in the give away. When you leave the comment, make sure to put your NAME in the comment -- if you enter your comment as "Anonymous", I cannot give you the prize! Blogger does NOT record your email address for me, so you will need to check back to find out if you have won -- or include your email address in your comment so that I can notify you. I will have a random number generator pick a number from the comments to select the winner. Each give-away is separate, so to be eligible for a specific item you must enter that day's contest on the post where it is listed.Check back every day during the month of October for the daily giveaway -- you can enter EVERY day! A fabulous Grand Prize will be offered on the last day of the month, too. Enter today -- good luck!
The winner of the punches and the card is Georgia Jacquard -- Congratulations, Georgia!


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Anonymous said...

I guess my favorite punch would have to be the Southwest corner punch. It always adds just the right amount of definition to a layer. Count me in again for the prize giveaway.


Donalda said...

Oh how awesome. Love this

Linda Elbourn said...

Though I was going to be first, but someone beat me too it!!!!

Happy Anniversary TJ's.

Anonymous said...

A spiral punch, Wow, just right for making your own little mini books.
Please enter me for today's give away. Thanks.
Elizabeth Del Valle

Anonymous said...

I'm in again!! Theresa Lee,

This is great!

Lindalee622 said...

I would like to be entered into todays give away-thanks
Linda Duncan

ReginaHarris said...

Please enter me into Day Seven of your Anniversary month. thanks.
Regina Harris

Anonymous said...

I don't have a favorite yet. Just starting to scrap. I would like to enter the prize giveaway.


Holly Young said...

Please enter me! My favorite punch right now is the slot punch. I love using it to make scallops along the edge of a card.

Joyce said...

Oh, how I love those punches, and I don't have either one of them. Please include me in the 7th day of the give away.


Joyce Roth

Sue W. said...

I would like to be entered in the Sunday oct 7, 2007 prize give away.
My favorite punch of all is my corner rounder punch.
sue w

Just Stampin' Away said...

I am definitely a punch addict!
- Ann

Barbklu said...

I love everything I see. Please enter me in the contest

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in this give away. Pat all your icandy cards are awesome!!! Been forgetting to tell you that so excited about the give aways!

Judy Parlin

Anonymous said...

My favourite punch would be the wrought iron corner punch (think that's what it's called without having to go find it)Count me in for the contest. Judy Gabriel

Barbklu said...

Happy Anniversary TJers. I love everything. PLease enter me in the contest.

Anonymous said...

any flower punch is my favorite Sandy Lane

Anonymous said...

Please enter me.Thanks.

Sherry said...

OMG Pat I just read this am that the Friends board is abuzz with someone looking for this rolodex punch! I will mention they come here and enter! I love your card! Please enter me in your day 7 prize giveaway!!

Karen said...

My favourite punch is my corner rounder - so versatile but love the look of the spiral and tab punches. Please enter me in your prize giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to enter the Day 7 drawing.

A Note From The Queen said...

I have 2 crown punches that are my favorite and I use all the time. I use them so much that they always stay on my counter and never get put away w/ the other punches.

Lisa Gifford

Barb Wessel said...

My favorite punches are the wrought iron - gives a touch of elegance, and the stepped punch works great on a masculine card! Both are so versatile when you remove the guard, also.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter these contests!
Barb Wessel

Anonymous said...

I don't have either one. Count me in.

Jennifer Botsford

Pattyjo said...

I would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th.


Anonymous said...

Gotta love punches! How fabulous, Pat!

Christine O'Connor

Peggy said...

Beautiful technique and card Pat!
Please enter me in Day 7 Give Away.

Peggy in Sweden

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I don't have either of these punches. It would be fun to win!!!

Tina Hamilton

Fareeda said...

Love these punches.... my second
Please add my name to your drawing.

Anonymous said...

My favorite punch is corner punch, the one that rounds the corners. count me in again for the giveaway, this is so much fun!

Barb Presley said...

Happy Anniversary to us! Please enter me in the give away.
Barb Presley

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Ticket Corner Punch. It makes the corners look "finished" and adding brads or eyelets makes a great added touch.

Please enter me in the punch drawing.

Beth Wilson

Anonymous said...

I forgot to enter my name and email on the last comment, sorry

My favorite punch is corner punch, the one that rounds the corners. count me in again for the giveaway, this is so much fun!

Mary T

wwilloww said...

Hi Pat!! Another great prize!! I am not a stampin upper (???)but have used both those punches being given away and loved them both!! I also love their inverted corner punch!! Thanks one more time!!! Willow

Carla W said...

Hi Pat-

Your card is beautiful like normal. I would like to enter today's prize giveaway.


Carla Wolf

Anonymous said...

I use punches a lot so it's hard to pick a favorite.
Pam Sparks

Maria said...

Wooo hooo! These are great punches and I don't have them yet!

Pls enter me for day 7!

Thanks and Happy Anniversary!
Maria Levine

Pam T. said...

Please enter me by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th.

Pam Tiedtke

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in today's give-away. :) Thank you.

Michaelann said...

Hi! I love my little oval punch!! I use it most often- it fits the bill much of the time for little sentiments or to make flowers, pumpkins........ya gotta love punches!!!!

Victoria said...

Punch me into your system, please! ;-)
Victoria Willing

Germaine Ferrao -Lenn said...

Punch me in!! please!!
Germana Ferrao

Molly said...

Ooh, I just love this Rainbow technique. One of my favorites for certain. Please enter me agian.
Have a wonderful day,

Molly Hidlebaugh

Anonymous said...

I love these punches. Did you know you can create a circle larger than the scallop punch with 2 round tab punches? You just alternate them overlapping and it makes a circle. Cool, huh! I learned that from one of my email lists. Please enter me in your contest, as I do not yet have a round tab punch of my own.
Skye DeWeez

Cheryl said...

Your cards are terrific! I just love punches. I'd like to be entered.
Cheryl Miller

Jan said...

Great card and punches!

Jan Catotti

Anonymous said...

My favorite punches are tied - the ticket corner punch and the SW corner punch. I use them ALL the time!


Anonymous said...

Love SU! Punches! Please include me with today's drawing.

Thank you for offering this opportunity,

Kim -

Anonymous said...

Those punches are the best and your card is beautiful! My favorite would be the any scallop punch. I wish I had one, ha!

Pattie Brown

kjconnors said...

Your work is so inspiring. Another great card.

Please enter me in the give-away contest of course. :) Thanks.

Kathy Jo Connors

ricky said...

I use the tag punches most often. Please enter my again. Ricky Orriss

Anonymous said...

I love the old snowflake punch because you could do a posive and negative image both...thanks for having the contest..what fun!
paula lasley

Aloha Jan said...

Count me in for the punches!

Connie said...

Thank you so much for enterting me in the drawing! Connie

Anonymous said...

great ards. hope to get my brain working like yours on projects.

curlylocdiva said...

I would like to be entered into today's prize give away.


Beth Norman-Roberts said...

Hi Pat, can you add me to your list of contestants.

Anonymous said...

do not realy have a favorite punch, just like to use all of them

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I love the sample card today.

Vivian Swain

Unknown said...

Add me!

CheckerBeads said...

Yay! Cool punches! I wondered how to use the spiral one.


dorism6220 said...

I would love to have both of those punches!

stampingkelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great card!!! And Love those punches. Please enter me in today's give away.

Anonymous said...

Look like great punches. Love the card.

Mary Merrifield

Anonymous said...

My favourite punch of the moment is the ticket corner punch from SU. I find it can be used on any style of card and it has a permanent spot amongst all my creative clutter. I have been looking at the spiral punch of late so that has recently been added to my wish list.

Thanks for another chance to enter you giveaway.

stampingkelly said...

My favorite punch is the Southwest corner punch (now retired). I do love punches though and have a ton!


Anonymous said...

Enter me, thanks again.
Pat K

Belinda said...

Count me in. You can never have too many punches.


Anonymous said...

Dear generous muse, =)

I like the oval punch, small and bigger. I created a see-through oval frame which looks really cool directly on the card stock. Then I pasted the smaller of the two oval cut-out back in in another color. It looks really cool.

Looking for a website to host my art. Sometimes a picture is worth a 1000 words. Do you have recommendation?

New to stamping cards, dry embossing, and blogging.

ellen a said...

I'm in again.
Ellen A

Anonymous said...

I mlike all the punches and have them on my wishlist!
Hanni Vanziel

Anonymous said...

My favorite punch is the circle punch in all different sizes. It is so much easier than getting a cutting system plus you can use it to make flower centers, backgrounds, rings, you name it.


Lucy said...

I like the Punchkins but they are hard to find these days.

Please enter me into the Day 7 give away!

Lucy Gimbel

Anonymous said...

Oops, now I get it, Pat.

Happy Anniversary!

Please enter me into your drawing!


Anonymous said...

count me in.

Mitzi Koons said...

WOW! Please enter me in today's contest :o)

Card Creativity said...

wow this is great!

Unknown said...

I'm in for day 7!!

Vicki Bardin

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered in today's Give Away!


Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

A month of amazing prizes and BEAUTIFUL art samples! Can't beat that, thanks Pat!
Jennifer G.

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter the Sunday October 7th drawing. :-) My favorite punch is the new SU scallop, I just keep reaching for that thing and I don't think I have made a project without it for two weeks!!! Thanks for this chance. barbmuatbresnandotnet

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Love all SU's new punches, especially the large scallop and that crazy looking snow blossom! Love these two too!!!
Happy Anniversary!!
Count me in for the Give Away, please!

Becky F

Sheila Bennett said...

Love the bright, cheery card! :)

Shirley said...

Love the card! as always and gotta love those punches.


Elizabeth said...

I love all the punches, but right now my favorite is the SU! 5 petal flower punch.
Elizabeth Kratzer

Anonymous said...

hi - I have been stamping for years and I am rather embarrassed to admit that I don't even have a single punch !! This could be a whole new addiction ... lol
Chris G

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new SU! scallop punch, it is fabulous!


Anonymous said...

My favorite punch (right now) is the corner rounder/scallop maker by EK Sucess.
Rachael B

Unknown said...

wonderful, as always!

Peggy Schaefer

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - these 2 punches are on my Christmas wish list! Please enter me.
Betsy Hawkins

Anonymous said...

My favourite punch would be my corner punch - dont know what it's name is, it cuts a little notch out of both sides. Anyway, I'd like to enter for today's prize - I like both of those punches and once again your card is lovely.
Lyn Smith

Anonymous said...

I would like to enter give away #7 Stephanie Delaney

Joyce Spear said...

Great card!

My favorite punch right now is the SU! double corner punch. Seems I can snazz up any card using those corners! The SU! scallop punch is a close second, though.

Joyce Spear

Anonymous said...

Count me in for the prize giveaway. My favorite punch is the scallop oval.

Debbie Schubauer

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the Give Away a Day. The cards are awesome!

SusanK said...

Day 7 - I'd really like to own these SU punches - they'd make a perfect addition to my collection. I use punches a lot & try to get more than their described use out of them. Thanks for a great giveaway, Pat! SusanK

Tracy in Michigan said...

I love ALL punches and have drawers full! Right now, probably the scallop punch is my favorite. I seem to be using it a lot. Also, the leaf punches - since I'm doing lots of fall color cards!! Thanks again for the chance! Love it! Tracy Smith,

Julie Lohr said...

Good Morning Pat, It is hard to decide what is my favorite punch. Maybe the word window punch. It is so versatile. Please enter me in the drawing. Julie Lohr

Anonymous said...

I just love that card and such a unique way to use that spiral punch. Count me in for Day 7!


Unknown said...

Hi Pat
I love the SU punches and just so happens I don't have those two. :)
Rose Metzker

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in today's give-away!

Thank you,
Dorene Decibus

Adeline E. Brill said...

Adeline Brill needs more punches so please enter me in this drawing! I love the rainbow double technique!

Pat Minzes said...

Jumpin' up and down ..LOVe those punches! Please enter me...

Pat Minzes

Anonymous said...

love the card and punches. Count me in.

Shelli said...

I would like to be entered in this giveaway. I too love the Southwest corner punch even though I still do not own it! :o

Anonymous said...

My favorites would be my corner punches also - several different styles. Please enter me also.
Thanks for the give aways, and love the art.
Susan Vanselow

Anonymous said...

I think the Word Window punch is my favorite because I can use it for words or as a slot for tags.
Sue Lorang

Unknown said...

I forgot to add a comment about my favorite punch. This is hard to narrow it down to 1.(That rule is rotten of you Pat-kiddin'). I love the Southwest, use a McGill moose punch in metal, but the one punch that I couldn't live without is Marvy small tag punch.
I'd love to enter just to have harder decisions next time.
Rose Metzker

Anonymous said...

Another gorgeous card Ms. Huntoon!! I love all the things that can be done with those punches! My new favorite is the scallop punch, but I still love the ticket punch! Please enter me for today's contest!
Sue M.

Unknown said...

Please enter me. I am still here with you. Barb

Anonymous said...

Good morning Pat! My favorite punch is the wrought iron punch followed by the scallop punch. I love your card. It makes me want the spiral punch as well.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, TJ! I'm feeling punchy today!


Anonymous said...

Hi Pat,
Yes, Please enter me I love punches. Use them often.

Anonymous said...

My current favorite punch is the tag punch --- I have been making tons of punch tag flower cards, just love them!!

Unknown said...

The only punch I have unsed is my corner rounder. I have been trying to decide about the sprial punch, thinking I would never use it, but seeing it on your card, it is now a must have. I just order the tab punch from my Stampin Up person because it looks like a fun punch to use.
Thanks for the great giveaways.

Keri Parish

Anonymous said...

This is so much fun to have a chance every day!!!

Vicki Hawhee

Anonymous said...

I love all the flower punches and enjoy using them in conjunction with stamps for 3-D cards. I love punches! Hugs, Andree C.

Shannon Niziolek said...

I guess I'm feeling punchy too, lol!!
I would like to enter for today's give-away.
-Shannon Niziolek

Kristine Paisley said...

How Fun - Love punches and TJ too! Keepin my fingers crossed! KP

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list of people that LOVE Technique Junkies.....and enter me in the chance for a PRIZE too!

Sandy Ramirez

Kate Burroughs said...

I actually have several favorite punches: all of the Marvy Uchida oval, square and circle scallop punches; the SU photo corner punch and believe it or not a 7/8" circle punch that fits exactly a number of my round Close To My Heart acrylic stamps so I can stamp an image or alpha, then punch it out. Please enter me in the drawing. Kate

Anonymous said...

I forgot to leave my e mail addy so will add some more! Another favorite punch is the southwest corner punch which always seems to be the final perfect "touch" to a card! Hugs, Andree C. in Olympia, Wash.

Anonymous said...

Ok - trying for the 7th day! Lets see if it locks up my computer! ;) Put me on the list of winners Pat - I love the info I get from you!

Hugs, Donna Godsey

Anonymous said...

My favorite punch right now is the photo corner punch. I love to use the crop a dile to faux emboss on them, and it looks nice using the piercing tool also. So many cute things to do with it.
This is such a great card and punch set.
Blessings....Denise M

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for Day 7 of this wonderful event.

Eileen Britten

scrapkathy said...

As the owner of many punches I wouls have to say circle punches are my favorite. There are just so much you can do with them. And scallop punches also. See I can't pick just one.

Love TJ. Have a STAMPendous Day!

Kathy Winland (scrapkathy)
Laurel, MD

Stacey said...

Please enter me in your Day 7 give away!!!
I've never been much of a punch person but in the last month I've already bought 5!!!!!
My 'favorite'....right now....I think the scallop circle...

Carolyn said...

PUNCHES....yea. I would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th the giveaway for two Stamp'n Up pumches.


Carolyn summers

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat, great contest going on...can't imagine running this for 30 days..brave woman. Hm...punches, I own several, but don't use any of them much except the corner ones. I can see the binder punch has possibilities though. Plus, I always welcome one of your cards....Julie Shoemaker

Beth said...

Wonderful card! LOVE punches! Corner rounder is probably used the most, but love them all!


Anonymous said...

Please enter me into your prize giveaway for today. And thanks for all you do for us in the wubba world.

Norma Davenport

Debby said...

Please enter me in today's giveaway. My favorite punches are the large scallped ones. I guess my nestabilities will make them obsolete now. Oh well. Let's get punch!

Debby Boltman

Anonymous said...

Count me in the punch lovers gang! Punches do make our lives easier. I love the new SU Scallop punch the best of all.
Debi Pippin

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat!
Sign me up for the punches!! I love punches! Have lots of them and have been making it a point of pulling them out and using them!

Kathy said...

Count me in again - love to see your cards they are beautful.

Kathy Johnson

Anonymous said...

I love punches! Please enter me!Cindy Frazier

Anonymous said...

PLEASE enter me in today's drawing!

Sue Archer

Karen Lindsay said...

I would love to play for this give-away! I don't really have a favorite punch, as I use many punches in my card making; however, I do carry my 1" and 1/2" circle punches in my kit. And who can live without their 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 hole punches? :)


Anonymous said...

I would love to win those punches! Please include me in the day 7 give-away.
Betty Ackley

Donna said...

My favorite punch comes in multiples...any flower punch, Designer Label, scalloped circle, both SU's Oval punches, snowflake punches, and the list goes on.
I want to know where Lisa found her crown punches?!?
Please enter me in the seventh day of the giveaway. Thank you Pat!


Anonymous said...

I rarely use punches, but I love the extra they provide to a card. I have a 'zig-zag slash' punch by EK Success that I really like.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in today's give away!

Thank you,
Dana Smith

Anonymous said...

I'm something of a punch junkie. Well probably a bit more than something of one! I create ATCs, and the small corner rounder is the one I absolutely can't live without. But, my all time favorite, is the McGill frog. He's my mascot and goes on most that I do.

Still trying to win. :-)


Janie Warnick

Anonymous said...

My favorite punch is a leaf punch that has a matching stamp, by Family Treasures. Count me in for the give away.
Rachelle Emigh

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the great work and PLEASE keep it going.

Mary Lee

Marta Jetty said...

I would like to enter today's contest.

My favorite punch is the simple circle punch because it can be sued so many ways.

Marta Jetty

Peggy M. said...

I really don't have many punches, but I guess my favorite is a tag punch. Please enter me for the day 7 giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Count me in for today!

I have 2 favorite punchs: The 1/4" circle and the corner rounder. They are squatters on my counter.

I could be loving two more favorites. Hee Hee


Anonymous said...

wow, already so many people responding! well, add me to the list! hehe!
sonjia bradshaw

Anonymous said...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
I would like to enter by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th. I've been dying to get the tab and spiral punches!! So many possibilities~
My favourite at the moment has to be the ticket punch, love adding brads or jewels to finish off the corners...
Sandra Wilkinson

suzann said...

Count me in again!
suzann jones

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the punch give away. Woo Hoo I hope I am the lucky one.

Selma said...

I want to win too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pat, great giveaway. I love punches and search blogs to find creative ways to use them. Currently I am in love with making flowers with any punch not just flower punches. Please enter me in today's contest. Maryjo Monterosso (

Stampin Shari said...

I'm in! Love those punches!

Shari Odut

Cheryl said...

I am (still) in love with my scallop punches!

Happy Anniversary!


Anonymous said...

great punches! enter me

Yoli said...

Both punches are on my wish list so it would be most awesome to win today's give away. :-)

BNL BaliGrl said...

The punches I use the most often are the small 1/8 and 1/16 handheld circle punchs. I use them for attaching ribbons, but mostly for setting SU eyelets silently!

Next to those, the ones I use most are the oval one and a new 4 corner punch/embosser that I just got from Friskars.

Awesome card, Pat!

Please enter me into today's drawing.
Beth Liddle

Anonymous said...

Oooolala!! Been dreamin' about owning a spiral punch! Please enter me:

Thank you!

Wendy said...

Love it.I think im last again:)

KimberlyO said...

I would have to say that my most used punch is my Creative Memories corner rounder. I like how it catches that little bit it punches off. :)


Staci said...

Count me in for today's drawing. Thanks Pat.


Anonymous said...

My favourite punch is one that punches half flowers that on removing the punch you can fold the flower back. Very effective on double sided paper. A sort instant lace effect. Love today's card.

Ann Cutts

Cathy M said...

Love the card and the colors. Wow this is a stuff one. I guess I would have to say the ticket punch or the round corner punch. Thanks for a chance.

Bridgette Scraps said...

I love these punches.

Bridgette Anderson

Fareeda said...

Please enter my name by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th, for the two punches. My favorite punch is the butterfly. I have tried the spril punch and love the results, but don't have one of my own.... but
Thanks for including me in your drawing.
Fareeda Mater

Toni said...

Another great giveaway! My favorite punches right now are the scalloped circles and ovals, but these two are on my wish list!

Anonymous said...

I would like to be entered in todays giveaway thanks so much I definetly will be coming to this site more often :) how neat!!!

Anonymous said...

The punch I use most often is the corner punch. For multi-layers it gives dimension and room for embellishments. I would like to enter this contest by 11:59pm EST on Monday, October 8th.

Donna Appelquist

Suzann said...

Ooohh, really want those punches! Great stuff this week - can't wait for more!


Anonymous said...

This is great Pat! Please enter me.

Robin McLaughlin

Anonymous said...

Love your card and would love those punches. Thanks for all you do for us. Candy Diaz

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this, love all your ideas. Judy Conklin

Anonymous said...

Love this technique! Punch me please!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE SU punches, please sign me up for this drawing Pat.

Ellen S

Shannon said...

The Southwest Punch and the Corner Rounders are probably my favorite and most frequently used punches. :)

Juliet A said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OOPS should have read the entire email. LOL OK my favorite punch from SU is probably the tab punch, one of the give aways for today. I saw a fish made with it and fell in love with the design, sorry can't remember who posted it or where it was (probably on the TJ group) Since our family is "big" fishermen I loved the fishy right away.

Ellen S

Aimee said...

My favorite punch is the new scallop circle from SU...
count me in please again


Laurie said...

wonderful card, and nifty punches - would love to be the winner, sign me up! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

please include me in the prze drawing:

Diane :)

Anonymous said...

Cool punches! Great card! Put me in the drawing!

cheryl l

Juliet A said...

My favorite punch - well, I have two. I couldn't live without my corner rounder. Second is my word window punch. sometimes I use it cut a hole in the top layer so a word can show through, sometimes I use it to make a faux chipboard piece, sometimes I like to wrap a punchout around the edge of a layer for interest (I see that particular use a lot)or to cut a long slot for a motion card. The SU punches are especially nice in that they cut deeply into your projects, but I will say that I almost always need to treat them when I get them with machine oil to keep them from sticking.

Juliet Arrighi

Anonymous said...

My favorite punch is the Southwest punch.
Please enter me in today's giveaway.
Linda Peterson

Rick said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. I would love these punches!

Kathy Fogle

Terri said...

Please enter me in the punch contest! I love using the stackable circle and square punches for windows, etc.

Anonymous said...

So am boring I just like my corner rounder. Please count me in anyway!!!! But I have been to find out where the notebook page one was from.

Cindee Jones

Anonymous said...

I really like the scalloped punches that are out now but especially the circle ones. Most punches can be very versatile, though. Collette Whorton

ktstamps said...

Again, great gifts, great cards, and a great person giving them away! Thank you! kivonne

Anonymous said...

My favorite punch is the wrought iron corner punch. I use it on almost every card that I punch on. Maybe I need some new punches.
Count me in.

Rosemarie Jones

Unknown said...

I love these punches! I have them on my list to order as soon as I have enough money. Crossing my fingers that you pick me so that I can order some other punches instead. ++++++

paradise45 said...

Count my in again - Day 7.

Thanks, Sue Hughe

Anonymous said...

My favourite punch changes... su square, old su diaper punch is super cute too! But right now it is the ones I do not have but wish to have LOL!! Giga scallop, mega circle, ovals, su corner, and tab punch. Your punchie giveaway is soo awesome. thanks. Beautiful card again today!!!

Just Jo, Joe with no e said...

Oh, I hope I win! I'd love to have those punches. My favorite punch has to be my corner rounder - I use it the most often.

Paula said...

Love your website! Spend many happy hours here. SU punches are great too! Count me in for the prize giveaway please.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners so far. You're so lucky. Please enter me again. Thanks.

Jami said...

love it! sign me up :)


JeanM said...

Another great idea. Please enter me in the drawing.

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