The well-being card above uses the Painted Paneling Technique from the October 2009 Technique Junkie Newsletter as a backdrop to the truly unique stamps from this week's giveaway. We are very lucky to have Club Scrap as our sponsor! Club Scrap has generously supplied an image-packed unmounted rubber stamp sheet along with a fabulous 20 piece luscious 12"x12" paper pack from the Apothecary kit! Just look at the paper and stamps the our lucky winner will receive:

Did you know that YOU will also receive 25% off select unmounted stamps on the Club Scrap site by using the code TJstamp at checkout? I was browsing around today and have my shopping bag full of gorgeous stamps and paper. So many beautiful things!
Okay, time for the giveaway! To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment by Monday, November 16th at 9am EST. If you are so inclined, tell me whether you think I am a bit nutty for fondling my paper! The winner will be selected on Monday morning. Make sure that you leave enough information so that I can contact you to let you know you won. Just a reminder that Blogger does NOT leave me your email address. A great way to do this is to leave your email address in a spelled-out way, such as "p huntoon at optonline dot net." I will use my handy random number generator to pick the winning entry. You do NOT need to be a TJ subscriber to win. Good Luck!

Love this set. Thanks for a chance to win it!!
Faith in Florida
A bit nutty for fondling paper?! I think not!! If so, you will have lots of company in the loony bin! I am bravesfan91149 at hotmail dot com.
I love your card, it's beautiful. The whole set is really nice. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Christina D
I also love this set....and am TOTALLY understanding as to why...ahem...SOME PEOPLE...fondle paper they way we...ahem...they do....hmmm, hmmm, hmmmm.....
Thanks for the chance to win!
Kim Marie
I LOVE CLUB SCRAP paper... I love the looks, the feel and literally everything about it!
I could obviously NEVER have enough!
I just love Club Scrap and would love to have these.
Please enter me in the giveaway for this great Club Scrap Apothecary stamp set. Maybe I could share a room with you in the loonybin where we can fondle our papers all we want; others can call us nutty, I don't care.
Barb O.
i do NOT think you are nutty for fondling your paper!!!
i take out my beautiful parent sheets of japanese papers, and feel them and drool over them and lovingly roll them back up.
i swear one day, i will actually cut into one of them! lol!
Boy, wouldn't that make my day/month/year to win this set? It would!
Laurie Black
h2k2mom at earthlink dot net
please enter me!
tamiharr at comcast dot net
no on the nutty! Please enter me.
Debbie Schubauer
Pick me! I love Clubscrap stuff
maybe this is my lucky week
ebat @cox.net
Doesn't everyone fondle their paper?
I would love to win this, it's one of my favorite kits.
Karen Kovisto
I also am a nut for "fondling paper" and for those that aren't members of ClubScrap, you'll love their paper. I don't have this set, and would love to win it....Love the card you made with this.
I love this giveaway! Everything is so nice! Thanks for giving it away! I also love to touch textured items, especially my paper!
I love paper. It is hard for me to use some of it. I like fondling paper too.
This is a great set.
schmidt rv at yahoo dot com
What a truly great giveaway! I love it and so appreciate the opportunity to win it!
Love the card, is so neat . Hope I win this one.
Connie in Michigan
fondling paper, isn't that something all us paper addicts love to do, collect, fondle and occasionally cut into and use it ... never had the opportunity to use club scrap products before ... what a great giveaway!!!
This is a great set. Please enter me in the giveaway.
- Kathy Jo
kj_patstamps at spamex dot com
I, too, love to fondle paper...and stamps, and accessories and ....!
jessand2kids at comcast dot net
Nutty for fondling your paper....nah....I also fondle stamps, ink pads, punches, brushes, dew drops, well you get my point! Maybe us "fondlers" could all share a padded room, LOL!!
Thanks again, Pat, for a beautiful give away. I love it!
Nice set...thanks for the chance...
Julie G.
julie dot myctmh at gmail dot com
I can identify with the love of paper. It sometimes makes it hard for me to use it. Thanks for the chance to win this.
joycedotwaters at gmaildotcom
Oh this set is wonderful.And I dont think fondling your card stock is nutty! lol! When we love something we show it.
Lori Smanski
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
Love Club Scrap paper! Thanks for donating these awesome things!
Wow - that is a nice set! Thanks to Club Scrap for a chance to win it!
Judy Jackson
your DT member
I'm going to have to say no it doesn't make you nutty Pat... unless of course I'm nutty too. ;)
darlamcc at eastlink dot ca
I have seen this set before and am in love with it. I wish I could afford it, or WIN it! Beautiful work as always! c.w at xplornet dot com
Fondling paper?? Nah, that's no excuse for the loonie bin, they couldn't handle us all, now talking to yourself while in a stupor with your paper......
Oh Wow!! I do love Club Scrap!!! I just joined them because of kits just like the one being given this week. I do understand fondling papers. I have done that since I started scrapbooking. The papers are what drew me in. This is a kit that I've never seen and I love it!! I would totally love to be the winner. But I won't be a whiner if I don't win...
Gayle Taylor
Abilene, TX
Would love to win! THanks for the chance!
I must be the only person on the planet not familiar with Club Scrap, but I see that's about to change! WOW, great giveaway! I would love love love to start my collection with this set! I'm on about a million medications, so it would be soooo appropriate for me to win! Whether I win or not, I've got to check out Club Scrap now! Thanks!
Joyce Spear
stamperjoyce at aol dot com
This is one of those giveaways that is made for me. I am working on a project that could really utilize this set as well as the paperpack. I will just have to keep my fingers crossed.
btw if you click on my name it will take you to my dashboard that has my email information.
Now all you have to do is draw my name. lol
You do need to fondle the paper to see what it is going to do for you! You can never be crazy when it comes to great paper.
Oh, this set is great. Thanks for doing these giveaways. You are so generous.
Candy Meyers
Wow! What a nice set of stamps. I love those bottles all lined up and the paper is gorgeous. If you are nutty so are millions of others for fondling and loving paper!
Love it! Please enter me int he drawing. Kathy Iwen
We're all in it together!
You just said it.
Cute set! And yes Pat t too love fondling papers - LOL and these are beautiful from club scrap. So enter me in on the draw.
deborah 345_ 2 at yahoo dot com
I don't think you're a nut. Paper is very addictive. Please enter me in the giveaway. clpeper at charter dot net.
Hello! I adore your prim looking card! The stamp set is very unusual
and looks like fun to work with!
Please enter my name in your always
delightful prize giveaway drawing.
Many thanks, Cindi
I too like to "feel" my paper. I like any that have that special feel whether glittery or full of texture. Thanks for giving us a chance to win the Club Scap items.
What an unique set of stamps! too cool!
Linda C.
leenda1 at cox dot net
Pat,Paper is our craft so of course we must fondle. I just tried my hand at homemade paper. It is truely wonderful to fondle.
nancy dot noble at att dot net
Not nutty at all!!! lol I do it all the time :)
Thanks for all your inspirational projects.
wags_2468 at hotmail dot com
I don't think you are nuuty at all for fondling your paper. I do it too! Thanks to you and Club Scrap for the opportunity to win this great prize!
OMG,I have been addicted to ClubScrap paper since the very first box of goodies that I received from them at least 9 years ago! I fondle them often :^).
oooh! I love bottles! Please enter me for this give-away :)
linda van vliet at home dot nl
Who isn't fond of fondling paper! ?I love at chance at this one!
minpinsloveme at mas dot com
Yes..... let this be my lucky day.
This is a different thema. Like it. Your card is great.
So yes count me in.
Nutty for fondling your paper....NOT! I sometimes spend hours with my paper stash -- looking at, arranging, admiring and sometimes using it :-) Thanks for the opportunity to win this great set.
What a perfect set for me...a pharmacist! It reminds me of the old-time pharmacy my brother (also a pharmacist) owned in Chicago, when I worked for him. The perfect set for his birthday cards!
Jeanne S
ldyhawk2424 @ yahoo dot com
What a great set and card! My husband went back to school and is in his first year of pharmacy school so this set is great! I love the Club Scrap is not part of the "gang".
jackieortgies at gmail dot com
I was at a crop the other day and heard someone ask if they could feel someone elses layout! LOL that gave us all a laugh. Love ClubScrap!
Deanna Morrill
www. Creativeheartsretreats. com
deannamorrill @ netins dot net
Fondling paper...Its all good as long as its crafting! haha! Please enter me...adorable set and I love what you did with the card!
Sue Mallender at billsuemal at comcast dot net
Very nice!
Kay Hamilton
kayham37830 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me in your contest.
heidi @ dicarlo 1 dot com
Wow! Nice Card Pat. Paper maniacs of the world unite. Please enter me in the draw.
I don't think there's anything odd about fondling paper, LOL -- I do it all the time... my problem is using it instead of just hoarding it!!
kind of like spreading everything out on the bed after a shopping spree at a convention and gloating over it....
Dunlap TN
moose ridge at bledsoe dot net
You'd be nuts NOT to fondle your paper! And doesn't colored paper feel better than that old white stuff?
I don't try for your give aways often but the pictures of this paper MADE me want to!
Thanks for the chance to win! I don't think your nutty for fondling paper...just getting your sense of touch in the creative process.
wow Pat - how neat is this!
slbt17 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me for a chance to win!
Thanks for the chance of winning this lovely set. Tina
That's something I always tell people... I love to fondle paper..I don't have a lot but I often do through it sheet by sheet, sometimes waiting for inspiration to hit too! LOL
Very nice, Club Scrap makes some great stuff. An no you are not nutty for fondling paper. I love paper too, but just the good stuff and Club Scrap is GOOD STUFF! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Diane O.
I'm a firm believer in "touchey feeley". Sometimes those papers actually speak to me. This is a terrific giveaway. Please enter me.
Pat, this set is so cool. I really want the bottles! Funny...I was smelling my paper yesterday so fondling is certainly allowed!
Roxanne Mussell
Fondle your paper?? Hummm, never thought of that but I have been know to linger over raised embossing. LOL Love this set and it would be so versatile. Sue J. gsue 129 at hotmail dot com
Hi Pat....
I have quite a stash of paper, however, I am not a paper fondler...BUT I do fondle my um rubber stamps.....probably as much as you fondle your papers.....
If I should win this um sheet of rubber, they would get fondled as well as used....a great deal!
I would love to win this fabulous
Apothecary set of um's......
Thanks for the chance to win....
You are not nutty. Paper has texture, some is smooth,some less smooth. I always fondle by paper to ascertain weight, I don't like wimpy paper.
I love Club Scrap! I was a member for while but had to give it up due to high medical bills! Would love to rejoin later, maybe! But this stamp set is wonderful! And of course, paper from Club Scrap would make my day, too! Would lift my spirits just to be able to feel this paper too!
Mary (Granny)
Love that set - so unique! No, you're not nutty for wanting to fondle your papers. I'm a very tactile person; texture is important.
Great card, again! Fabulous paper, please pick me! My niece will be Dr. Stacy in March. I can see some thank you cards and "welcome to my practice" cards coming from this.
nrw745 at yahoo dot com
What a fantastic set Pat. Please enter me into this draw. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed - that is when I'm not fondling my papers!!!! lol
I would love to win this set! Yesterday was my birthday and I was 29 again for the ........ time. My 32 year old son thinks I should be older than him.LOL
Love your card, the stamps and the paper. Fondling paper? Would I ever do such a thing? Umm, do the tell-tale fingerprints give me away? Thanks for the chance to win. Please enter me in the drawing.
Jeanne Johannes
Wow! Nope not nutty at all. I love my paper too!
Rachelle E.
I could spend hours feeling textures on papers! Aren't we a crazy bunch?!
Thanks for a great prize package this week...hope to win.
Cindy L.
luckybug3 at gmail.com
Fondling paper is not nutty--ask anyone who fondles fabric.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Beautiful set! Hope I am the lucky winner!!!
beautiful card Pat...pls enter me in today's drawying...hugs...ps
cool set thanks for the chance of winning it
What a great set and card!
Sharon Johnson
kid759 at verizon dot net
What a great card Pat! This stamp set looks fun and what gorgeous paper! I'd fondle it too if I had it!!
Melissa.banian at gmail dot com
Are you "nutty for fondling paper" -- not at all! -- Just not too people will admit it! I love the different textures too and at paper stores, just try to keep my hands in my pockets as much as possible. Also have a hard time not touching fabrics in the fabric stores too.
sjhengen at gmail dot com
i love club scrap!You are right their quality in incomparable. Than you for sharing! scrapalicousleo@gmail.com
Hi Pat -
Do I think you're nutty for fondling your papers - No! I love paper, I understand completely how one can become enamoured of it. One of my favorite papers is the Renaissance line from Graphic 45. Anybody who knows me will tell you I lust after it! I'm the same way with most papers, I tend to hoard it and take it out to look at it. So nuts, I think not!!
Elaine Allen
This is a great give away package, Pat! Thanks for the chance to win!
stampinspy at hotmail dotcom
very nice candy. the papers are very cool.
I fondle, pet, smell, and caress my favorite papers! Have I said too much? That's only with my very favorite papers, not just ANY paper... what do you think I am, a SLUT? (lol) Thank you for the chance to win this Giveaway~ eringlee(at)sbcglobal.net
I hadn't seen anything about Club scrap in a while. Glad to hear they are still around. enter me please. Deets by clicking my name.
Wow, what a great set. Hope my number is lucky this time. Judy Conklin conklinazca@gmail.com
oooo...look at all the pretties! i fondle paper also. there are so many beautiful colors and textures. some paper, i covet for a little while before i use them. rush8888 at att dot net
Nutty for fondling paper, not in the least. I feel every piece of paper I think I might like, buy it and never use it, just pick up a favourite piece and put it back: too pretty to give. Some think this is hording. LOL Ellen A (Cdn)
What a great contest -- Club Scrap products are the best.
Regina Harris
You always do such a beautiful job on your cards. I would love to have this set and thanks for the opportunity.
Shelby Dnning aka
Love the pharmacopia images
Love this set! Love your blog!
Joy in Florida
Nope! Fondling paper is perfectly natural! LOL! I just got back from a very long trip to Oregon and back and saw this post. What a great selection of stamps!
Pat, I just love your card and this set is fabulous!!! Please enter me in the drawing and thank you for all your hard work! Hugs Lori R.
stampninclady at bellsouth dot net
I am such a tactile person that I would LOVE to touch that paper! And that is one of the most unique stamp sets I've ever seen... I can think of all sorts of interesting things to do with it.
Nutty? no way...great minds think alkie. I have paper I've saved for years not wanting to use it up!
Send the giveaway to donna-dice@cox.net donna hyphen dice @cox.net
Gotta love Club Scrap!
Theresa Surowiec
theresa dot surowiec at gmail dot com
This set is fabulous and love the paper. I just love your card and it's so inspiring. Thanks for a chance.
Cathy M
stampincmeyers at yahoo dot com
I would love to have this set of stamps. Thanks for entering me
What a neat set of stamps, I would love to win them, Thanks
Please enter me in the Give-a-way, Pat!
I just Love Club Scrap!
Would LOve to own your artwork, which is beautiful, too!
Sharon E.
ramsbe 2 at aol dot com
I LOVE paper, too! Thanks Pat!
Debi Hunter
wdhunter @ gbta . net
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